Photo by Jerry Kiesewetter on Unsplash
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.”
Are you frustrated or really worried? Don’t understand this developing young person whom you used to know so well? Concerned about your child’s behavior, academic accomplishments, peer relationships, drug use, depression, or anxiety? Maybe you're worried about your child's developing gender identity or sexuality.
It's said the sign of good parenting isn’t the child’s behavior, it’s the parents’ behavior. That’s partly true. Children are paying close attention to us - even the ‘tweens and adolescents who sometimes act as if we’re the last people they want contact with. Kids take in our words; our actions; and our interactions with our partners, friends, and other family. Half the parenting battle is about paying attention to ourselves, our childhood experiences, and our emotions as we’re trying to take care of our kids and address theirs.
Parenting support will include individual sessions for you, some with your child(ren), and sessions with the whole family. I’ll help you understand and build skills to target and address what comes up for you in parenting and we’ll work together with your family to build new and helpful interactions to bring more harmony to the whole tribe.